This is an essay i wrote almost a year ago, graduating from eighth grade.
I felt sad and depress about life because the basic english skills i lacked do to the disability i had.
Education is an essential weapon for tomorrow, so the good schools of today are important for the best future of a nation.
School is a temple of learning and a training ground for future citizens.
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Watchman construction
This picture shows Watchman construction.
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My school time is the only clip which i savor a lot.
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I dear my school because it has stacks of facilities.
Watchman on the wall
This image demonstrates Watchman on the wall.
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School means the place of learning.
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The school canteen is a very active place during the recess period.
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This picture shows Watchmen essay topics.
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High school taught me so galore things, from personal relationships to creating a relationship with my education.
The watchman
This image shows The watchman.
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My school watchman essay 07
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Last Update: Oct 2021
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22.10.2021 12:15
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